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HIV Handbook

Healthcare Providers, General Population

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Core information for service providers about HIV, including transmission, epidemiology, health equity, testing, prevention and treatment.

Core information for service providers about HIV, including transmission, epidemiology, health equity, testing, prevention and treatment.


Manuel sur le VIH

Healthcare Providers, General Population

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Renseignements fondamentaux destinés aux prestataires de services à propos du VIH ― la transmission, l’épidémiologie, l’équité en matière de santé, le dépistage, la prévention et le traitement du VIH.

Renseignements fondamentaux destinés aux prestataires de services à propos du VIH ― la transmission, l’épidémiologie, l’équité en matière de santé, le dépistage, la prévention et le traitement du VIH.


Cercle Orange

Government, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations, General Population

Racialized People and Migrants

Le Cercle Orange est un projet créé pour accompagner les personnes vivant avec le VIH(PVVIH) sans assurance maladie publique à avoir accès aux soins et services de santé.Le Cercle Orange établit des liens avec les Cliniques /médecins , les services de laboratoires et compagnies pharmaceutiques à travers leurs programmes de soutien aux patients. Les personnes concernées sont ceux-celles qui résident au Québec avec un statut d'immigration précaire ou sans statut. Le Cercle Orange accompagne aussi ces personnes dans la régularisation de leur statut d'immigration. Concentrée dans la région de Montréal depuis sa création, aujourd'hui ,le Cercle Orange est en cours d'expansion au Québec (Capitale Nationale) et en Outaouais pour répondre aux demandes de ces régions.

Le Cercle Orange est un projet créé pour accompagner les personnes vivant avec le VIH(PVVIH) sans assurance maladie publique à avoir accès aux soins et services de santé.Le Cercle Orange établit des liens avec les Cliniques /médecins , les services de laboratoires et compagnies pharmaceutiques à travers leurs programmes de soutien aux patients. Les personnes concernées sont ceux-celles qui résident au Québec avec un statut d'immigration précaire ou sans statut. Le Cercle Orange accompagne aussi ces personnes dans la régularisation de leur statut d'immigration. Concentrée dans la région de Montréal depuis sa création, aujourd'hui ,le Cercle Orange est en cours d'expansion au Québec (Capitale Nationale) et en Outaouais pour répondre aux demandes de ces régions.


Zone Rose (intervention et dépistage ITSS)

General Population

Gay, bisexual men and other men who have sex with men

En plein cœur du Village LGBTQ+ de Montréal, la Zone Rose, un conteneur muni sur le toît d’un cône rose géant, est une aire d’intervention, de discussion sans préjugés et de dépistage VIH/ITSS gratuit et sans rendez-vous.

En plein cœur du Village LGBTQ+ de Montréal, la Zone Rose, un conteneur muni sur le toît d’un cône rose géant, est une aire d’intervention, de discussion sans préjugés et de dépistage VIH/ITSS gratuit et sans rendez-vous.


Manitoba HIV Program Report

Government, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations, General Population

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

This Manitoba HIV Program Report provides information about people diagnosed with HIV who were referred to the Manitoba HIV Program between 2018 and 2021. While most people who entered care during the reporting period were diagnosed with HIV in Manitoba, the program also provides care to people living with HIV who moved to Manitoba from other jurisdictions, as well as people living with HIV who live near and outside the province’s border. The report also provides an update on performance in the HIV cascade of care. Reporting on the current sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people living with HIV, as well as how Manitoba is performing in the care cascade, allows us to understand where gaps exist in our current response, and identify areas to enhance HIV prevention and treatment programming.

This Manitoba HIV Program Report provides information about people diagnosed with HIV who were referred to the Manitoba HIV Program between 2018 and 2021. While most people who entered care during the reporting period were diagnosed with HIV in Manitoba, the program also provides care to people living with HIV who moved to Manitoba from other jurisdictions, as well as people living with HIV who live near and outside the province’s border. The report also provides an update on performance in the HIV cascade of care. Reporting on the current sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people living with HIV, as well as how Manitoba is performing in the care cascade, allows us to understand where gaps exist in our current response, and identify areas to enhance HIV prevention and treatment programming.


Manitoba HIV Program Report: Infographic

Government, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations, General Population

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

This Manitoba HIV Program Report provides information about people diagnosed with HIV who were referred to the Manitoba HIV Program between 2018 and 2021. While most people who entered care during the reporting period were diagnosed with HIV in Manitoba, the program also provides care to people living with HIV who moved to Manitoba from other jurisdictions, as well as people living with HIV who live near and outside the province’s border. The report also provides an update on performance in the HIV cascade of care. Reporting on the current sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people living with HIV, as well as how Manitoba is performing in the care cascade, allows us to understand where gaps exist in our current response, and identify areas to enhance HIV prevention and treatment programming.

This Manitoba HIV Program Report provides information about people diagnosed with HIV who were referred to the Manitoba HIV Program between 2018 and 2021. While most people who entered care during the reporting period were diagnosed with HIV in Manitoba, the program also provides care to people living with HIV who moved to Manitoba from other jurisdictions, as well as people living with HIV who live near and outside the province’s border. The report also provides an update on performance in the HIV cascade of care. Reporting on the current sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people living with HIV, as well as how Manitoba is performing in the care cascade, allows us to understand where gaps exist in our current response, and identify areas to enhance HIV prevention and treatment programming.



General Population

Transgender or non-binary people, People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA), General

Sexefluide est une ressource nationale bilingue offerte en ligne et destinée aux jeunes Canadien·ne·s de 15 à 25 ans. Ce site Web aborde la prévention du VIH par le biais d’une approche globale qui traite des rencontres et des relations modernes, du plaisir personnel, de l’usage de substances et de la réduction des méfaits, et de la santé mentale. Sexefluide offre aux jeunes un espace inclusif, sexpositif et affirmatif pour explorer une variété de sujets sur les thèmes de la sexualité, de l’identité, du plaisir et du sexe à moindres risques. L’objectif de Sexefluide est de donner aux jeunes Canadien·ne·s les moyens de se sentir confiant·e·s et à l’aise avec leur propre sexualité et leur propre identité afin qu’ils et elles puissent établir des relations saines et prendre les décisions éclairées qui leur conviennent en matière de santé sexuelle et de réduction des méfaits.

Sexefluide est une ressource nationale bilingue offerte en ligne et destinée aux jeunes Canadien·ne·s de 15 à 25 ans. Ce site Web aborde la prévention du VIH par le biais d’une approche globale qui traite des rencontres et des relations modernes, du plaisir personnel, de l’usage de substances et de la réduction des méfaits, et de la santé mentale. Sexefluide offre aux jeunes un espace inclusif, sexpositif et affirmatif pour explorer une variété de sujets sur les thèmes de la sexualité, de l’identité, du plaisir et du sexe à moindres risques. L’objectif de Sexefluide est de donner aux jeunes Canadien·ne·s les moyens de se sentir confiant·e·s et à l’aise avec leur propre sexualité et leur propre identité afin qu’ils et elles puissent établir des relations saines et prendre les décisions éclairées qui leur conviennent en matière de santé sexuelle et de réduction des méfaits.


Les technologies de dépistage du VIH

General Population, Healthcare Providers, Civil Society

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA), General


HIV Testing Technologies

General Population, Healthcare Providers, Civil Society

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)


Le pouvoir de l’indétectable

General Population, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Ce livret illustré explique comment la prise des médicaments anti-VIH et le maintien d’une charge virale indétectable peuvent prévenir la transmission du VIH. Des renseignements clairs et simples, pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH et leurs prestataires, sur les bienfaits du traitement pour prévenir la transmission du VIH.

Ce livret illustré explique comment la prise des médicaments anti-VIH et le maintien d’une charge virale indétectable peuvent prévenir la transmission du VIH. Des renseignements clairs et simples, pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH et leurs prestataires, sur les bienfaits du traitement pour prévenir la transmission du VIH.


The Power of Undetectable

General Population, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

This illustrated booklet explains how taking HIV medications and maintaining an undetectable viral load can prevent HIV transmission. Plain language information, for people living with HIV and their service providers, on the prevention benefits of HIV treatment.

This illustrated booklet explains how taking HIV medications and maintaining an undetectable viral load can prevent HIV transmission. Plain language information, for people living with HIV and their service providers, on the prevention benefits of HIV treatment.


Vous et votre santé

General Population, Healthcare Providers, Civil Society

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Guide pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH et leurs fournisseurs de soins

Guide pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH et leurs fournisseurs de soins


Managing Your Health

General Population, Healthcare Providers, Civil Society

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Guide for people living with HIV and their care providers.

Guide for people living with HIV and their care providers.



General Population, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA), General

Ce dépliant fournit des notions de base sur la transmission, le dépistage et le traitement du VIH:
• Qu’est-ce que le VIH?
• Comment une personne peut-elle contracter le VIH?
• Le VIH et le sexe
• Le VIH et la grossesse
• Le VIH et la consommation de drogues
• Le VIH et la loi
• Connaissez votre statut VIH

Ce dépliant fournit des notions de base sur la transmission, le dépistage et le traitement du VIH:
• Qu’est-ce que le VIH?
• Comment une personne peut-elle contracter le VIH?
• Le VIH et le sexe
• Le VIH et la grossesse
• Le VIH et la consommation de drogues
• Le VIH et la loi
• Connaissez votre statut VIH


HIV Basics

General Population, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA), General

Developed in 2021, this brochure offers the basics on HIV transmission, testing and treatment written for the general public. Topics covered include:
-What is HIV?
-HIV and sex
-HIV and pregnancy
-HIV and drug use
-HIV and the law
-How does a person get HIV?

Developed in 2021, this brochure offers the basics on HIV transmission, testing and treatment written for the general public. Topics covered include:
-What is HIV?
-HIV and sex
-HIV and pregnancy
-HIV and drug use
-HIV and the law
-How does a person get HIV?


Les bases de la réduction des méfaits : trousse pour prestataires de services

Healthcare Providers, General Population, Civil Society

People who use drugs

Cette trousse contient des renseignements de base sur la réduction des méfaits pour les prestataires de services qui œuvrent auprès des personnes qui utilisent des drogues (notamment le personnel de soutien, les intervenant·e·s de proximité, le personnel infirmier et le personnel ayant un savoir expérientiel).

Cette trousse contient des renseignements de base sur la réduction des méfaits pour les prestataires de services qui œuvrent auprès des personnes qui utilisent des drogues (notamment le personnel de soutien, les intervenant·e·s de proximité, le personnel infirmier et le personnel ayant un savoir expérientiel).


Harm Reduction Fundamentals: A toolkit for service providers

Healthcare Providers, General Population, Civil Society

People who use drugs

This toolkit provides foundational information on harm reduction for service providers working with people who use drugs (including support workers, outreach workers, nurses and workers with lived and living experience). The toolkit is free to access and is available to anyone to use or share for personal learning, organizational trainings and/or other capacity-building efforts.

The toolkit contains four units that can be accessed individually or completed together for a more comprehensive overview of harm reduction fundamentals. Organizations and individual learners can decide which parts of the toolkit are most appropriate for them.

Each unit takes about one hour to complete; however, there will be variability depending on the unit and the level of engagement with content, videos, reflection questions and external links. We suggest setting aside four hours total if you plan to complete all four units.

This toolkit provides foundational information on harm reduction for service providers working with people who use drugs (including support workers, outreach workers, nurses and workers with lived and living experience). The toolkit is free to access and is available to anyone to use or share for personal learning, organizational trainings and/or other capacity-building efforts.

The toolkit contains four units that can be accessed individually or completed together for a more comprehensive overview of harm reduction fundamentals. Organizations and individual learners can decide which parts of the toolkit are most appropriate for them.

Each unit takes about one hour to complete; however, there will be variability depending on the unit and the level of engagement with content, videos, reflection questions and external links. We suggest setting aside four hours total if you plan to complete all four units.



General Population

Transgender or non-binary people, People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA), General

Sexfluent is a national, bilingual, online resource for Canadian youth ages 15-25 that addresses HIV prevention through a comprehensive approach that addresses modern dating and relationships, personal pleasure, substance use and harm reduction, and mental health. Sexfluent provides youth with an inclusive, sex-positive and affirming space to explore a variety of topics around sexuality, identity, pleasure, and safer sex. Sexfluent’s goal is to empower young Canadians to feel confident and comfortable in their own sexuality and identity so that they can develop healthy relationships and make informed sexual health and harm reduction decisions that feel right for them.

Sexfluent is a national, bilingual, online resource for Canadian youth ages 15-25 that addresses HIV prevention through a comprehensive approach that addresses modern dating and relationships, personal pleasure, substance use and harm reduction, and mental health. Sexfluent provides youth with an inclusive, sex-positive and affirming space to explore a variety of topics around sexuality, identity, pleasure, and safer sex. Sexfluent’s goal is to empower young Canadians to feel confident and comfortable in their own sexuality and identity so that they can develop healthy relationships and make informed sexual health and harm reduction decisions that feel right for them.


History of Africans in Partnership Against AIDS

General Population

African, Caribbean and Black communities

The power presentation, provides an over view of APAA`s history, background and states our mission, vision including a clear over view of our programs and services that are offered by Africans in Partnership Aganist AIDS(APAA), here in Toronto Canada.

The power presentation, provides an over view of APAA`s history, background and states our mission, vision including a clear over view of our programs and services that are offered by Africans in Partnership Aganist AIDS(APAA), here in Toronto Canada.


Tavva-National Inuit Sexual Health Strategy

Non-governmental Organizations, Healthcare Providers, Civil Society

First Nations, Métis, or Inuit communities


HIV, Stigma and Society: Tackling a Complex Epidemic and Renewing HIV Prevention for Gay and Bisexual Men in British Columbia



The Provincial Health Officer’s annual report examines the HIV epidemic in BC among gay and bisexual men, and makes recommendations for renewing HIV prevention in this populatio

The Provincial Health Officer’s annual report examines the HIV epidemic in BC among gay and bisexual men, and makes recommendations for renewing HIV prevention in this populatio


Core Competencies for STBBI Prevention



The Canadian Public Health Association worked with communities across Canada, including a National Reference Group, to identify the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours that enhance prevention activities.

The Canadian Public Health Association worked with communities across Canada, including a National Reference Group, to identify the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours that enhance prevention activities.


The Indigenous Red Ribbon Storytelling Study: What does it mean for Indigenous peoples living with HIV and a substance use disorder to access antiretroviral therapy in Saskatchewan?



The Indigenous Red Ribbon Storytelling Study was conducted in part to examine how Indigenous peoples living with HIV construct and understand their experiences accessing antiretroviral therapy.

The Indigenous Red Ribbon Storytelling Study was conducted in part to examine how Indigenous peoples living with HIV construct and understand their experiences accessing antiretroviral therapy.





Shane Patey, Canadian Treatment Action Council Executive Director, considers the implications of how we talk about ‘risk’ when it comes to the burden of HIV/HCV Stigma.

Shane Patey, Canadian Treatment Action Council Executive Director, considers the implications of how we talk about ‘risk’ when it comes to the burden of HIV/HCV Stigma.



The project brings together trans women to identify our priorities for research around HIV. It is the first step in developing a national Trans Research Program.

The project brings together trans women to identify our priorities for research around HIV. It is the first step in developing a national Trans Research Program.


Canadian Positive People Network (CPPN)



Provides and overview and information about CPPN, an independent network for and by the people living with HIV and HIV and co-infections in Canada

Provides and overview and information about CPPN, an independent network for and by the people living with HIV and HIV and co-infections in Canada


Positive Spaces Healthy Places

PSHP is a longitudinal province-wide community-based research initiative implemented by a team of peer researchers to examine housing and health in the context of HIV and to assess the current and projected housing needs of people with HIV in Ontario.

PSHP is a longitudinal province-wide community-based research initiative implemented by a team of peer researchers to examine housing and health in the context of HIV and to assess the current and projected housing needs of people with HIV in Ontario.


Podcast: What’s Hot with Peer Researchers

A one-hour online talk show hosted by Universities Without Walls. This talk show connects guests from across Canada to engage in frank discussions about hot topics, provide updates about research studies, tell all about their experience and share one or two lessons learned.

A one-hour online talk show hosted by Universities Without Walls. This talk show connects guests from across Canada to engage in frank discussions about hot topics, provide updates about research studies, tell all about their experience and share one or two lessons learned.


Un site d’information sur la santé sexuelle s’adressant aux hommes gais, bisexuels, hommes trans ...

General Population, Civil Society, Non-governmental Organizations

Gay, bisexual men and other men who have sex with men, General

An information site on sexual health for men who have sex with men

An information site on sexual health for men who have sex with men


CAAN APHA Welcome guide

The guide describes the purpose and role of CANN APHA.

The guide describes the purpose and role of CANN APHA.


Agrandir sa famille :
Une introduction à la
planification de la grossesse,
à la maternité de substitution
et à l’adoption pour les
personnes vivant avec le VIH

General Population, Civil Society, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Cette ressource présente les options qui s’offrent aux personnes
séropositives pour le VIH qui souhaitent avoir des enfants, y
compris la grossesse, la maternité de substitution et l’adoption.
Elle convient aux personnes de tout genre et orientation sexuelle.
Elle expose les stratégies pour prévenir la transmission du VIH au
bébé pour les personnes qui envisagent d’être le parent biologique
d’un enfant. Y figurent également des conseils sur la manière de se
préparer à avoir un enfant.

Cette ressource présente les options qui s’offrent aux personnes
séropositives pour le VIH qui souhaitent avoir des enfants, y
compris la grossesse, la maternité de substitution et l’adoption.
Elle convient aux personnes de tout genre et orientation sexuelle.
Elle expose les stratégies pour prévenir la transmission du VIH au
bébé pour les personnes qui envisagent d’être le parent biologique
d’un enfant. Y figurent également des conseils sur la manière de se
préparer à avoir un enfant.


Seven Ways to Prevent HIV

General Population, Civil Society, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations


This short video goes through seven of the
most effective ways to prevent HIV. It
includes PrEP, PEP, HIV treatment, condoms,
types of sex with a lower risk of HIV, using
new drug use equipment and using drugs in
ways with a lower risk of HIV.

This short video goes through seven of the
most effective ways to prevent HIV. It
includes PrEP, PEP, HIV treatment, condoms,
types of sex with a lower risk of HIV, using
new drug use equipment and using drugs in
ways with a lower risk of HIV.


Sept façons d’éviter le VIH

General Population, Civil Society, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations


Cette brève vidéo renseigne sur les sept façons les plus efficaces de
prévenir le VIH : PrEP, PPE, traitement du VIH, condoms, types
de relations sexuelles avec une moindre transmission du VIH,
utilisation de matériel neuf de consommation de drogues et utilisation
de drogues à faible risque d’infection par le VIH.

Cette brève vidéo renseigne sur les sept façons les plus efficaces de
prévenir le VIH : PrEP, PPE, traitement du VIH, condoms, types
de relations sexuelles avec une moindre transmission du VIH,
utilisation de matériel neuf de consommation de drogues et utilisation
de drogues à faible risque d’infection par le VIH.


HIV treatment to Prevent

General Population


This short video explains how HIV treatment works in the body to help
prevent passing HIV to others through sex and drug use.

This short video explains how HIV treatment works in the body to help
prevent passing HIV to others through sex and drug use.


Traiter le VIH pour le

General Population


Cette brève vidéo explique la manière dont le traitement du VIH
opère dans l’organisme et contribue à prévenir la transmission du
VIH aux autres lors de rapports sexuels et de l’utilisation de drogues.

Cette brève vidéo explique la manière dont le traitement du VIH
opère dans l’organisme et contribue à prévenir la transmission du
VIH aux autres lors de rapports sexuels et de l’utilisation de drogues.


HIV and Aging

General Population, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA), General

This booklet is for people 50 or older who are
living with HIV, as well as their partners,
family members and caregivers. It looks at
some of the issues that older adults living with
HIV might face and recommends ways to stay
healthy—physically, mentally, emotionally
and sexually. Updates for this edition include
new information on screening tests and
health conditions that can affect older people

This booklet is for people 50 or older who are
living with HIV, as well as their partners,
family members and caregivers. It looks at
some of the issues that older adults living with
HIV might face and recommends ways to stay
healthy—physically, mentally, emotionally
and sexually. Updates for this edition include
new information on screening tests and
health conditions that can affect older people


Le VIH et le vieillissement

General Population, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA), General

Ce guide s’adresse aux personnes de 50 ans et plus vivant avec le
VIH ainsi qu’à leur partenaire, les membres de leur famille et leurs
fournisseurs de soins. Il aborde des questions auxquelles pourraient
faire face les adultes âgés vivant avec le VIH et leur propose des façons
de rester en santé—sur le plan physique, mental, affectif et sexuel.
Les mises à jour pour cette édition incluent de nouveaux renseignements
sur les tests de dépistage et les affections médicales pouvant toucher
les personnes âgées.

Ce guide s’adresse aux personnes de 50 ans et plus vivant avec le
VIH ainsi qu’à leur partenaire, les membres de leur famille et leurs
fournisseurs de soins. Il aborde des questions auxquelles pourraient
faire face les adultes âgés vivant avec le VIH et leur propose des façons
de rester en santé—sur le plan physique, mental, affectif et sexuel.
Les mises à jour pour cette édition incluent de nouveaux renseignements
sur les tests de dépistage et les affections médicales pouvant toucher
les personnes âgées.


What works: What you need
to know if you have HIV
and inject drugs

General Population

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA), People who use drugs

This booklet contains easy-to-understand
messages about how to take care of your
health if you have HIV and inject drugs.
Complete with practical tips, this resource is a
great starting point for people who use drugs
who have questions about HIV treatment,
preventing and responding to overdoses, and
managing their health

This booklet contains easy-to-understand
messages about how to take care of your
health if you have HIV and inject drugs.
Complete with practical tips, this resource is a
great starting point for people who use drugs
who have questions about HIV treatment,
preventing and responding to overdoses, and
managing their health


Ton kit : Ce qu’il faut savoir
si tu as le VIH et que tu
t’injectes des drogues

General Population

People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA), People who use drugs

Ce livret contient de l’information facile à comprendre sur la façon de
prendre soin de ta santé si tu as le VIH et que tu t’injectes des drogues.
Offrant des conseils pratiques, cette ressource se veut un excellent point
de départ pour les personnes qui s’injectent des drogues et qui ont des
questions au sujet du traitement du VIH, de la façon de prévenir les
surdoses et d’y réagir et de gérer leur santé.

Ce livret contient de l’information facile à comprendre sur la façon de
prendre soin de ta santé si tu as le VIH et que tu t’injectes des drogues.
Offrant des conseils pratiques, cette ressource se veut un excellent point
de départ pour les personnes qui s’injectent des drogues et qui ont des
questions au sujet du traitement du VIH, de la façon de prévenir les
surdoses et d’y réagir et de gérer leur santé.


Safer Crystal Meth Smoking

General Population, Civil Society, Non-governmental Organizations

People who use drugs

This client brochure is for people who use crystal meth or for anyone
who would like more information to support safer crystal meth smoking.
It includes illustrations of the supplies used, tips on safer crystal meth
smoking, mouth care and preventing hepatitis C, and how to recognize
and respond to overamping and overdose.

This client brochure is for people who use crystal meth or for anyone
who would like more information to support safer crystal meth smoking.
It includes illustrations of the supplies used, tips on safer crystal meth
smoking, mouth care and preventing hepatitis C, and how to recognize
and respond to overamping and overdose.

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