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CATIE statement on the distribution of a full range of harm reduction supplies as an evidence-based approach to reducing a range of preventable harms

General Population


This CATIE statement was developed to help service providers in Canada evaluate and adapt their programs where necessary and advocate for evidence-based improvements to the distribution of harm reduction supplies.


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

CATIE statement on the use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among people who use drugs

Healthcare Providers, General Population


This resource provides information about PrEP as an HIV prevention option for people who use drugs, as well as tips for service providers on how they can support access and adherence to PrEP for people who use drugs.  


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Can’t pass it on: HIV treatment prevents transmission (fact sheet)

General Population

Public Health Agency of Canada

HIV cannot be passed on through sex when a person living with HIV is on treatment and the amount of HIV in their blood remains very low.

When HIV treatment lowers the amount of virus in the blood to less than 200 copies per millilitre of blood, it is called viral suppression. When someone is virally suppressed, they cannot pass on HIV to others through sex.
Viral suppression: Less than 200 copies/ml
Viral load: Refers to the amount of HIV in the blood. Regular viral load testing every 4 to 6 months is the only way to know if an individual has reached viral suppression.


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Can’t pass it on: U=U prevents HIV transmission (poster)

General Population

Public Health Agency of Canada

HIV Positive. Living Positive.
The science is clear.
HIV treatment helps people living with HIV to stay healthy and can prevent it from being passed on



Cartographie du corps : Choisir une veine pour une injection à moindres risques

General Population


Certaines veines du corps présentent moins de risques que d’autres pour une injection. Cette affiche de réduction des méfaits montre les zones qui sont plus sécuritaires, celles qui sont à éviter et celles qui sont dangereuses. On y suggère également d’alterner les points d’injection pour accélérer la guérison et prévenir les méfaits comme une infection, une lésion aux veines, un caillot de sang ou un saignement qui ne s’arrête pas.


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Dave's HIV story

General Population

Public Health Agency of Canada



Déclaration de CATIE sur la distribution d’une gamme complète de matériel de réduction des méfaits comme approche fondée sur des données probantes pour prévenir divers risques évitables

General Population


Cette déclaration de CATIE a été préparée afin d’aider les prestataires de services au Canada à évaluer et adapter leurs programmes lorsque nécessaire et à demander des améliorations fondées sur des données probantes à la distribution du matériel de réduction des méfaits. 



Déclaration de CATIE sur l’usage de la prophylaxie pré-exposition (PrEP) au VIH par les personnes qui utilisent des drogues

Healthcare Providers, General Population


Cette ressource fournit des renseignements sur la PrEP en tant qu’option de prévention du VIH chez les personnes qui utilisent des drogues, ainsi que des conseils aux prestataires de services sur la manière dont ils et elles peuvent favoriser l’accès à la PrEP et l’observance de ce traitement chez ces personnes.  


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Feeding your baby

General Population


This booklet provides information about infant feeding for people living with HIV and helps them make informed decisions about how to feed their babies. It reflects current guidelines and explains the Canadian recommendation that people living with HIV feed their babies formula. The guide offers tips for people who choose to formula feed, as well as people who choose to breastfeed.


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

HIV and Ageing

General Population


This booklet is for people 50 or older who are living with HIV, as well as their partners, family members and caregivers. It looks at some of the issues that older adults living with HIV might face and recommends ways to stay healthy—physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually.


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

HIV and emotional wellness

General Population


This resource for people living with HIV explores common emotional health concerns—such as stress, anxiety, depression and addictions. It offers practical advice on how to achieve and sustain a healthy mind in a healthy body.



Harm Reduction Fundamentals: A toolkit for service providers

General Population


This toolkit provides foundational information on harm reduction for service providers working with people who use drugs (including support workers, outreach workers, nurses and workers with lived and living experience).

Production of this website has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

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