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People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Government of Canada's sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI) action plan 2024-2030

Public Health Agency of Canada

General Population, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society, Government, Healthcare Providers

Sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBI) continue to be a public health concern that requires a rights-based, collaborative and holistic approach. The renewal of the Government of Canada's STBBI Action Plan aims to accelerate prevention, diagnosis, and treatment to reduce the health impacts of STBBI in Canada by 2030 and meet global commitments. The priorities outlined in this plan are driven by evidence and reflect today's realities, including advances in science, intersecting social and structural determinants of health, the lasting impacts of COVID-19, and emerging infectious diseases.

The renewal of the Action Plan underscores the Government of Canada's commitment to reduce the impact of STBBI, improve public health outcomes, and advance overall health and well-being. Through the priorities and actions outlined in this plan, the federal government aims to drive positive change, reduce disparities, complement provincial and territorial efforts, and contribute to a healthier and more inclusive society.


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Santé et bien-être optimaux pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH : Le rôle des systèmes de santé


Government, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations

Réalise, en collaboration avec Gilead Sciences Canada,Inc. et le Groupe consultatif communautaire national sur la santé optimale et le bien-être*, a coordonné six dialogues délibératifs afin de déterminer si la déclaration mondiale (Déclaration de consensus sur le rôle des systèmes de santé dans la promotion du bien-être à long terme des personnes vivant avec le VIH)a trouvé un écho auprès des personnes vivant avec le VIH au Canada, et si des modifications devraient être apportées pour s’assurer que les « prochaines étapes clés » sont pertinentes dans le contexte canadien.

Le présent rapport (document d’accompagnement de la déclaration de consensus) est l’aboutissement du processus de dialogue délibératif.


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Ageism and Ableism in Canada’s HIV, HCV and STBBI Response


Government, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations

This situational analysis endeavors to uncover the layers of ableism and ageism embedded within Canadian STBBI policy as well as the lack of attention paid to HIV/HCV/STBBI prevention, testing, treatment and care in policies focused on disability and aging. Situating policy analysis within the context of thoughtful community discourse, we aim to cultivate a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by individuals at the intersections of disability, aging and STBBIs, while advocating for transformative change within policy frameworks.


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Optimal Health and Wellbeing for People Living with HIV: The Role of Health Systems


Government, Healthcare Providers, Non-governmental Organizations

Realize, in collaboration with Gilead Sciences Canada Inc., and the National Community Advisory Group on
Optimal Health and Wellbeing (NCAG)*, coordinated six deliberative dialogues to determine whether the Global Consensus Statement (on the role of health systems in advancing the long-term well-being of people living with HIV) resonated with people living with HIV in Canada, and whether there are any modifications that should be made to ensure the ‘key next steps’ are relevant in the Canadian context.

This Report (Consensus Statement companion document) is the culmination of the deliberative dialogue process.


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Plan d’action 2024-2030 du gouvernement du Canada sur les infections transmissibles sexuellement et par le sang (ITSS)

Agence de la santé publique du Canada

General Population, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society, Government, Healthcare Providers

Les infections transmissibles sexuellement et par le sang (ITSS) demeurent un problème de santé publique nécessitant une approche qui soit à la fois respectueuse des droits, holistique et collaborative. Le renouvellement du plan d'action du gouvernement du Canada sur les ITSS vise à accélérer la prévention, le diagnostic et le traitement afin de réduire les impacts des ITSS sur la santé d'ici 2030 et respecter les engagements pris à l'échelle mondiale. Les priorités définies dans ce plan d'action sont fondées sur des données probantes et reflètent les réalités d'aujourd'hui, y compris les progrès scientifiques, les déterminants sociaux et structurels de la santé, ainsi que les effets à long terme de la COVID-19 et des maladies infectieuses émergentes.

Le renouvellement du plan d'action souligne l'engagement du gouvernement du Canada à réduire l'impact des ITSS, à améliorer les résultats en matière de santé publique et à favoriser la santé et le bien-être en général. À travers les priorités et actions définies dans ce plan, le gouvernement fédéral vise à susciter des changements positifs, à réduire les disparités, à soutenir les efforts des provinces et des territoires et à contribuer à une société plus saine et plus inclusive.



Sex differences in houselessness, injection drug use, and mental health conditions among people newly diagnosed with HIV in Manitoba, Canada from 2018 to 2021: a retrospective cohort study

University of Manitoba


This article published in The Lancet Regional Health - Americas reports the findings of our project. Our research was co-designed and co-developed with people living with HIV, HIV clinicians and frontline workers, and HIV and public health program managers and administrators with equity, sex and gender-based and intersectional lenses. This study describes a unique North American population newly diagnosed with HIV with growing incident rates of HIV and lower proportions of undetectable viral load. Nearly 50% of this population were female. A significant proportion of females and males newly diagnosed with HIV have at least one or more intersections between houselessness, injection drug use, and mental health. While many individuals in the cohort started antiretroviral treatment (81.2%), only 64.9% achieved an undetectable viral load (61.1% among females and 67.9% among males, and around 60% among people experiencing houselessness, PWID, and people who use methamphetamine).


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Lignes directrices canadiennes sur le VIH


General Population, Civil Society, Non-governmental Organizations, Healthcare Providers

En s’appuyant sur les résultats de la recherche, les consensus d’expert·e·s du domaine et les données issues de la pratique (c’est-à-dire des connaissances et de l’expérience pratique), les lignes directrices soutiennent les prestataires de services de première ligne dans la prise de décisions. Elles sont publiées par diverses sources, notamment des gouvernements et des groupes d’expert·e·s aux paliers local, national et international. Cet article présente des lignes directrices relatives au VIH élaborées au Canada. Certaines s’appliquent à l’ensemble du pays, tandis que d’autres portent sur un contexte particulier, mais peuvent néanmoins offrir des renseignements utiles dans d’autres régions.


People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

Canadian HIV Guidelines


General Population, Civil Society, Non-governmental Organizations, Healthcare Providers, Government

Guidelines use research evidence, the consensus of experts in the field, and practice-based evidence (that is evidence from knowledge and practical experience) to support the decision making of frontline service providers. Guidelines are issued by a variety of sources including governments and expert groups at the local, national and international levels. This article highlights HIV-related guidelines developed in Canada. While some of the guidelines are relevant across the country, others may have been developed for a particular context but may still contain information that may be of use to people in other regions.



CIHR HIV/AIDS and STBBI Research Initiative Strategic Plan

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)



People living in or recently released from correctional facilities, People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)

The You Matter Project: Pathways to Care for STBBIs


Healthcare Providers, Civil Society, Researchers, General Population



People living with HIV and new HIV infections, 2020

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

General Population



Progrès du Canada vers l’atteinte des cibles mondiales en matière de VIH (90-90-90)

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

General Population

Production of this website has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

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