Fumer du crystal meth de
façon plus sécuritaire
General Population, Civil Society, Non-governmental Organizations
People who use drugs
Ce dépliant pour les clients s’adresse aux utilisateurs de crystal meth ou à
toute personne souhaitant obtenir de l’information pour fumer du
crystal meth de façon plus sécuritaire. Il inclut des images des
fournitures utilisées; des trucs pour fumer du crystal meth à moindre
risque, pour prendre soin de sa bouche et prévenir l’hépatite C; et pour
reconnaître et réagir à une situation d’intoxication sévère et à une surdose.
Ce dépliant pour les clients s’adresse aux utilisateurs de crystal meth ou à
toute personne souhaitant obtenir de l’information pour fumer du
crystal meth de façon plus sécuritaire. Il inclut des images des
fournitures utilisées; des trucs pour fumer du crystal meth à moindre
risque, pour prendre soin de sa bouche et prévenir l’hépatite C; et pour
reconnaître et réagir à une situation d’intoxication sévère et à une surdose.
Ajjigijaunngittuq: Addressing the HIV Needs of Inuit in Urban Centres
Government, Civil Society, Healthcare Providers, Researchers, General Population, Indigenous Groups, People with lived experience
The directory contains information about the services provided by urban HIV/AIDS organizations, Aboriginal organizations, and other health, medical and social service organizations, and how to access resources in English, French, Inuktitut and Inuttitut, as well as resources in Inuit culture.
The directory contains information about the services provided by urban HIV/AIDS organizations, Aboriginal organizations, and other health, medical and social service organizations, and how to access resources in English, French, Inuktitut and Inuttitut, as well as resources in Inuit culture.
No HIV-positive Canadian will ever feel alone again
Exclusive footage from the launch of the Canadian Positive People Network, an independent network for and by Persons Living with HIV/AIDS and HIV co-infections in Canada.
Exclusive footage from the launch of the Canadian Positive People Network, an independent network for and by Persons Living with HIV/AIDS and HIV co-infections in Canada.
Factors Impacting Vulnerability to HIV and other STBBIs
The factors impacting vulnerability to HIV and other STBBI are provided to help foster discussion about the factors that impact vulnerability for priority populations.
The factors impacting vulnerability to HIV and other STBBI are provided to help foster discussion about the factors that impact vulnerability for priority populations.
Inside & Out Conference: Providing Care to Indigenous Prisoners in a Good Way
Meagan Fumerton talks about programs and services available to Indigenous people in federal institutions.
Meagan Fumerton talks about programs and services available to Indigenous people in federal institutions.
Positive Spaces, Healthy Places: HIV, Housing and Health Research in Action (2005-2015)
A longitudinal community-based research study designed to better understand the depth and breadth of housing issues faced by people living with HIV in ontario, canada.
A longitudinal community-based research study designed to better understand the depth and breadth of housing issues faced by people living with HIV in ontario, canada.
Community Champions HIV/AIDS Advocates Mobilization Project (CHAMP): Reducing HIV Stigma and Advancing Equity Through Committed Action
A community based intervention research study to address HIV stigma through collective empowerment, capacity building, and community championship. CHAMP evaluated the effectiveness of two stigma-reduction interventions study in reducing HIV stigma: Acceptance Commitment Training and Social Justice Capacity Building.
A community based intervention research study to address HIV stigma through collective empowerment, capacity building, and community championship. CHAMP evaluated the effectiveness of two stigma-reduction interventions study in reducing HIV stigma: Acceptance Commitment Training and Social Justice Capacity Building.
CANFAR Annual Reports
General Population, Government, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society
CANFAR aims to end the HIV epidemic in Canada by funding innovative research, national awareness programs and dynamic partnerships.
CANFAR aims to end the HIV epidemic in Canada by funding innovative research, national awareness programs and dynamic partnerships.
Walking the Red Path
A five year project to develop a sustainable, evidence-based, and culturally relevant HIV and HCV intervention for Indigenous women in four correctional institutions
A five year project to develop a sustainable, evidence-based, and culturally relevant HIV and HCV intervention for Indigenous women in four correctional institutions
The Dr. Peter Centre Evening Program
Aims to increase treatment adherence while improving quality of life and social connectedness for HIV positive gay men, and address food insecurity
Aims to increase treatment adherence while improving quality of life and social connectedness for HIV positive gay men, and address food insecurity
Health Equity Impact Assessment (HEIA) Tool
The HEIA is used to identify vulnerable and priority populations within a community and to help examine any proposed initiative to determine if it could unintentionally increase and population's vulnerability, specifically to STBBIs
The HEIA is used to identify vulnerable and priority populations within a community and to help examine any proposed initiative to determine if it could unintentionally increase and population's vulnerability, specifically to STBBIs
Inuit Youth Sexual Health Conference
A report on the Stay Informed - Make Responsible Choices Project, designed to empower youth to make healthy, responsible choices about sexual health.
A report on the Stay Informed - Make Responsible Choices Project, designed to empower youth to make healthy, responsible choices about sexual health.
Dope Guide: sex work, drugs and other substances
General Population, Civil Society, Non-governmental Organizations
Sex workers and their clients, People who use drugs, General, People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)
The Dope Guide covers the various drugs that are on the market, and suggests ways to reduce the risks that come with using them
The Dope Guide covers the various drugs that are on the market, and suggests ways to reduce the risks that come with using them
Cell Count
General Population, Government, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society
People living in or recently released from correctional facilities
PASAN produces a quarterly bulletin entitled CELL COUNT. Today, PASAN is the only community-based agency in Canada exclusively providing HIV and HCV prevention, education and suport services to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families. The unique publication is written and edited primarily by prisoners and ex-prisoners themselves.
PASAN produces a quarterly bulletin entitled CELL COUNT. Today, PASAN is the only community-based agency in Canada exclusively providing HIV and HCV prevention, education and suport services to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families. The unique publication is written and edited primarily by prisoners and ex-prisoners themselves.
Trans National Project Letter
The project will incorporate the principles of Greater Involvement of People with HIV and AIDS and "nothing about us, without us" to develop a nation-wide working committtee of gender-diverse people to ensure their voices are available to address key issues and produce a report moving forward previous recommendations and newly identified priorities
The project will incorporate the principles of Greater Involvement of People with HIV and AIDS and "nothing about us, without us" to develop a nation-wide working committtee of gender-diverse people to ensure their voices are available to address key issues and produce a report moving forward previous recommendations and newly identified priorities
CHABAC Fact Sheet: African, Caribbean & Black Canadian HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
The HIV/AIDS Awareness Day will help raise awareness of HIV and contribute to addressing HIV-related stigma in Canada's African, Carribean and Black communities.
The HIV/AIDS Awareness Day will help raise awareness of HIV and contribute to addressing HIV-related stigma in Canada's African, Carribean and Black communities.
HIV and Aging: Community Report
The report outlines the results of a national survey of programs and services which address the needs of older people living with HIV in Canada
The report outlines the results of a national survey of programs and services which address the needs of older people living with HIV in Canada
Talking Black: Understanding the HIV-related needs, challenges and priorities of heterosexual African, Caribbean and Black men in Ontario
Presents results from iSpeak, a research study implemented in 2011 to understand HIV-related needs, challenges and priorities of heterosexual Black men in Ontario.
Presents results from iSpeak, a research study implemented in 2011 to understand HIV-related needs, challenges and priorities of heterosexual Black men in Ontario.
Inside & Out Conference: HIV Care in Canadian Prisons
Dr. Peter Ford discusses the history of HIV care in Canadian prisons in a presentaion from the Inside and Out Conference, a meeting to discuss the HIV prevention, engagement and care cascade for current and former prisoners
Dr. Peter Ford discusses the history of HIV care in Canadian prisons in a presentaion from the Inside and Out Conference, a meeting to discuss the HIV prevention, engagement and care cascade for current and former prisoners
The OHTN Rapid Response Service
The Response provides access to research evidence in response to questions from community-based organizations to help provide insight on a particular issue or build community capacity
The Response provides access to research evidence in response to questions from community-based organizations to help provide insight on a particular issue or build community capacity
Therapeutic Review of Direct Acting Antivirals as Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis C
The Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) addresses access to treatment, care and support for people living with HIV and HCV. CTAC provides a therapeutic review of direct acting antivirals as treatment for chronic HCV.
The Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) addresses access to treatment, care and support for people living with HIV and HCV. CTAC provides a therapeutic review of direct acting antivirals as treatment for chronic HCV.
Prison Health Now – Inside Stories (video)
A series of videos exploring the lives of federal prisoners in Canada and the challenges they face behaind bars to protect themselves from HIV, HCV and other infections.
A series of videos exploring the lives of federal prisoners in Canada and the challenges they face behaind bars to protect themselves from HIV, HCV and other infections.
Legal and Clinical Implications of HIV Non/Disclosure: A Practical Guide for HIV Nurses in Canada
The guide addresses the realities and complexities faced by nurses who provide care to people living with HIV. The aim of the guide is to offer practical advise to HIV nurses and clarify professional obligations regarding HIV non-disclosure and the criminal law.
The guide addresses the realities and complexities faced by nurses who provide care to people living with HIV. The aim of the guide is to offer practical advise to HIV nurses and clarify professional obligations regarding HIV non-disclosure and the criminal law.
A cost-benefit/cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed supervised injection facilities in Montreal
The paper determines whether expanding Insite (North American's first and only supervised injection facility) to more locations in Canada such as Montreal, cost less than the health care consequences of not having such expanded programs for injection drug users.
The paper determines whether expanding Insite (North American's first and only supervised injection facility) to more locations in Canada such as Montreal, cost less than the health care consequences of not having such expanded programs for injection drug users.
Positive Spaces Healthy Places
A research study designed to better understand the depth and breadth of housing issues faced by people living with HIV in Ontario, Canada.
A research study designed to better understand the depth and breadth of housing issues faced by people living with HIV in Ontario, Canada.
Brazen: Trans Women’s Safer Sex Guide
General Population, Non-governmental Organizations, Civil Society
Transgender or non-binary people, People living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA)
This guide is for trans women and their sex partners. This resource covers topics such as body parts and identities, disclosure, HIV and other STIs, safer sex, surgeries, talking to your doctor, harm reduction and sex work
This guide is for trans women and their sex partners. This resource covers topics such as body parts and identities, disclosure, HIV and other STIs, safer sex, surgeries, talking to your doctor, harm reduction and sex work
Inside & Out Conference: Combatting Sexual Assault in the Prison System
TJ Parsell speaks about his experience in prison, sexual assault in prison, prisoner rape from the Insight & Out Conference.
TJ Parsell speaks about his experience in prison, sexual assault in prison, prisoner rape from the Insight & Out Conference.
CTAC Patient Group Input Consultation: Truvada for HIV PrEP
This webinar provides the medical and scientific evidence behind Truvada for HIV PrEP. CTAC contributes patient input to reviews of new HIV drugs and contributes to CADTH's Therapeutic Review of all hepatitis C drugs
This webinar provides the medical and scientific evidence behind Truvada for HIV PrEP. CTAC contributes patient input to reviews of new HIV drugs and contributes to CADTH's Therapeutic Review of all hepatitis C drugs
Primed 2: A Sex Guide for Trans Men Into Men
This guide addresses the diverse sexual desires and sexual activities of gay, bi, and queer trans men. It includes important information on the choices we have and the questions we should ask to stay safe and healthy: sexually, mentally and emotionally.
This guide addresses the diverse sexual desires and sexual activities of gay, bi, and queer trans men. It includes important information on the choices we have and the questions we should ask to stay safe and healthy: sexually, mentally and emotionally.
Safer Crack Smoking
General Population, Civil Society, Non-governmental Organizations
People who use drugs
This client brochure is for people who use
crack or for anyone who would like
information to support safer crack smoking. It
includes illustrations of the supplies used, tips
on safer crack smoking, mouth care and
preventing hepatitis C, and how to recognize
and respond to stimulant overamping and overdose.
This client brochure is for people who use
crack or for anyone who would like
information to support safer crack smoking. It
includes illustrations of the supplies used, tips
on safer crack smoking, mouth care and
preventing hepatitis C, and how to recognize
and respond to stimulant overamping and overdose.